vendredi 21 juin 2013


L'Herboristerie La Fée des Bois Botanicals is a medicinal herb farm, established in Clarendon north, in the Pontiac, Outaouais. Our plant sanctuary is on a 70 acres beautiful piece of land, crossed by two small stream and surrounded by ancestral forests.

Our herbs are cultivated in the fields and forest using permaculture  and biodynamic methods, which permits us to contribute to a positive impact on the biodiversity and a greater ecosystem   balance by regenerating the soil health and some species.

Our mission is to share the scientific aspects and ancestral knowledge of herbs as medicine, food and everyday life support to cultivate wellness. 

We offer you herb based products made from medicinal herbs  and other ingredients from our farm and surroundings. All the agriculture is made by hand, from seed in the earth to harvesting. Herbs are then transfomed with great care in order to preserve the maximum amount of bio-compounds. Our products are all natural, using mostly glass and cardboard packaging, to make it as eco-friendly as possible. 

Our products are hand made in our transformation kitchen on a small scale in order to obtain hight quality products. We always use first quality ingredients by giving priority to raw materials from our farm and local farmers, organic and fair-trade. 

- organic plants from our farm
- organic honey and beeswx from our farm and beekeepers from the Pontiac
- organic apple cider vinegar from our farm and Ontario
- organic hemp oil from Ontario
- organic hydrolat from our farm
- organic essential oils from our farm and mainly from Québec
- organic sunflower oil from Québec
- butters from fair-trade and/or organic  
-organic aloe vera gel from USA

We never use fragrance or perfumes since they can contain up to 3000 chemical ingrédients in their composition. A large number of these unidentified ingredients are irritating and can trigger allergies, migraines or asthma symptoms. 

We never use palm oil since tropical forests are being deforestated by fire to be replaced by palm tree plantations, therefore threatening animal species such as the ourang-outang and leaving behind massive emissions or carbon dioxyde.

Our company aims at sustainable and eco-friendly development,  and wishes to contribute to  solutions to environmental problems of our century. Very concerned by the environment, our company uses eco-friendly packaging (priorising biodegradable recycled paper items) and glass or metal that can be returned to the company and reused.

- We offer hign quality and innovative products at reasonnable prices for those who wish to treat themselves while respecting the environment and their health.

- The base of each of our products are  medicinal plants from our gardens thus organic and local culture.

- The company priorises Quebec/Ontario ingredients  and clearly indicates it on its packagings. 

-We clearly indicate the complete list of ingrédients on all our products..

Who we are

Since her childhood, Mariane has been passioned by plants, nature and secrets from the forest. Enthusiastic about everything concerning recycling and local products,  it is while working with the famous team at La Gaillarde in Montréal (,  that she has had the chance to extend and practice her knowledge on the subject. 

After an intensive week-end workshop where she discovered the fascinating world of medicinal plants, it was love at first sight !  She decides then and there to  think big and   register at the  Herbolist Academy  in Montréal (  where she studies medicinal  plants ,  phytochemistry, anatomy,  pathologies, organic farming, aromatherapy, and the making cosmetic and therapeutic products...

Once finished her studies, she decides to return to the Outaouais, her native region, where she establishes her company wich aims, on one hand,  to permit access to medicinal plants and cosmetic and therapeutic products of high quality issued from local farming and, on the other hand, have people discover and learn about medicinal plants and their properties.

In 2011, she was farming at the agricultural platform of l'Ange-Gardien ( where she first cultivated her plants, and in the summer of 2012, she moved them to the new farm in Clarendon North, in the Pontiac.

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