Herbal teas and extracts

Herbal Teas                                                   10 $   
Glossary of terms available in the therapeutic section.

Our herbal teas are made with organic plants,  cultivated according to tradition and knowledge of herbalists. Harvesting  is made while roots, leaves and flowers are just right and are filled with active principles. Drying is made in order to preserve the maximum of each plant. We keep the flowers and leaves complete for better conservation of active principles and essential oils that they contain.


Liquid extracts (tinctures)           20$ - 60 ml          $60 - 230 ml 

Glossary of terms available in the therapeutic section.

Note that the description of each plant is relative to it's liquid form (tincture).  Most of the time, these allegations are also applicable for other forms such as herbal or food, but it is not always the case. According to the kind of extraction used (water, alcool, oil etc...), we will get different active principles for each plant. Therefore, a plant can be very different wether we take it as a herbal tea or a tincture.Certain plants require a double extraction (water/alcool) in order to be 100% effective. As for counter-indications, liquid extracts could be not recommended while the herbal tea will.

All our extractions are made from fresh flowers which are transfomed in the hours following their harvest in order to extract the MAXIMUM of active principles.  Some active principles are altered and even destroyed while the plant is drying which is why it is very important to transform the plant while it is still fresh!

As for the absorption, liquid extracts are very beneficial! The body absorbs up to 95%  of the active principles contained in a liquid extract compared to a supplement where only 20% of the active principles will be absorbed.  Why ? Liquid extracts are absorbed directly in the mouth where as with supplements, we must wait for them to be degraded by the digestive system.   Of course, there are certains exceptions with certain plants.

Also, we find more and more "contamination" in pills, that is that companies often use other plants as filling agents but do not always, in fact seldom, put their name on the label in the list of ingredients. Result can be very problematic. Here is an article in french on the subject : www.protegez-vous.ca/sante-et-alimentation/psn-les-etiquettes-ne-disent-pas-tout.html
Be sure to know your producers/distributors!!


 Garlic (Allium sativum) 

A little about garlic 
When intact, garlic contains d l’alliin et de l’allinase . When it is crushed, these two substances interfere with each other and form allicin the active priciples responsible for most of the beneficial effects of garlic. Allicin is very instable and degrades rapidly when in contact with air or when heated. In fact, heated garlic does not containn allicin. If you buy garlic as supplements, make sur to choose the lyophilized ones (frezze-dried)
Antibacterial, antiparasite (worms and and amoeba), antifungal, immunostimulant (increases white cells), selective antioxydant antibiotic (undirectly acts against cancer), blood anti-coagulant and fluidifier, hypotenser, hypocholesterolemiant (prevents fat deposits on the arteries), cardiotonic, expectorant and mucolytic, hepatoprotector, hypoglycemiant, cholagogue and chelating agent of heavy metals. 
Recommended for:
Immunity, o.r.l and respiratory systems
Garlic can be used as for prevention as well as treatment. Taking it every day will repell any form of infection such as : cold,  flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, tonsollitis, laryngitis, aphtous, gingivitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, buccal herpes  (cold sores), otitis and external ear sores; it has even been shown to improve immunity for those suffering from HIV. Greater quantities should be taken in order to "attack" one of these infections. It's antioxydant  action  makes it very useful for cancer prevention. 

Digestive  system
Here again, we will benefit from it's anti-infection action but, also, garlic affects the hepatic enzyme systems therfore aids digestion,balances intestinal flora  (contians inulin, responible for "white cloud or deposit" in liquid extracts)  by eliminating pathogenic bacteria and promoting friendly bacteria. Garlic is also a super antibacterial and antiparasite which it is why it will be so effective against bloating and flatulence, candidiasis and intestinal parasites .
Endocrine system
Some of it's essential oils and its iodine content will stimulate the thyroid thus making it useful for hypothyroidism.  It promotes glucose absorption in the blood, increasing free insuline in the blood which brings down blood sugar levels thus ++ for pre-diabetes , type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes..

Cardiovascular system
Garlic prevents fat deposit in the arteries and thins the blood thus ++ for  arteriosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, blood clots and  hypertension.

Reproductive system
It's antiviral action is very useful in fighting the herpes virus which will make herpes crises less frequent and shorter . As for it's antifungal action, it will be very useful to fight against fungal infections such as Candida. For these two applications, garlic will be as much useful taken internally or externally.

Dosage: 10 to 30 drops a day or case-by-case.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding (therapeutical form), anticoagulant medication, antiplatelet and  thrombolytic, chemotherapy (because it increases white blood cells), before surgery. Pay special attention if you suffer from hypotension or if you take medication for your thydoid gland.

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
Aerial partss
Motherwort contains alkaloids that have depressant properties of the central nervous system,  hypotensive, oxytocic and emmenagogue properties. It also contains  heteroside glycosides  cardiotoniques responsible of its cardiac sedative effect . In fact, it is sympathicolytic that is that it will relax at the cardiac-respiratory level and raise the smooth muscle activity, thus uterine and digestive stimulant so it is anxiolytic ,antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Motehrwort is also a bitter tonic and an anti hyperthyroidism

Recommended for:

Nervous system
Palpitations, panic attack, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, stress, heart palpitations due to  mourning, depression, state of shock, insomnia are the motherworth's specialties

Cardiovascular system
It will regulate the heartbeat by returning to  "soft" contractions, equal and without spasms. It is also hypotensive thus very useful for hypertension, palpitations, arteriosclerosis, irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, etc.

Reproductive system and et perinatality
''Motherwort'' means plant for the mothers or rather plant that accompanies women all their life. First of all, it is useful for all menstrual disorders such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea , menstrual cramps and  PMS but caution since it increases menstrual bleeding.Then, it is very useful to help induce a difficult childbirth accompanied by anxiety Finally, it is always there for the menopausal women who tend to have  big hot flashes, disturbed sleep and anxiety due to menopause.

Endocrine system
Very good ally for hyperthyroidism

Digestive system
For inflammation of the intestine accompanied by bad digestion, constipation; it is antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory as well as  favoriser les enzematic secretions

Dosage: 10 to 30 drops a day or case-by-case.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypotension,  abundant menstrual bleeding, thyroid gland medication, anticoagulant medication.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Aerial parts

Thyme is mostly a short term plant that we use to fight bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. It is mainly the essential oils that we find in thyme that are responsible for its actions which are: antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, immunostimulant, expectorant, mucolytic, antitcough and antispasmodic. Thyme is also carminative, anti-allergic, antioxydant, warming, stimulating for blood circulation, hypertensive et emmenagogue.

Recommended for:

Immunitairry, ORL and respriratory systems
- for flu , cold, bronchitis,  allergic rhinitis, thyme will not only help fight infection but will also help to expel mucus and reduc ecough.

Digestive system
- for mycose, candida, worms, ulcers, gastro-enteritis, loss of appetite, bad digestion.

Cardiovascular and  endocrine system
- for fatigue, hypotension, thyme is really stimulating, helps to stay awake (be careful not to take befor bedtime  since it activates blood circulation thus raising cardiac rythm which increases blood pressure and warms the body)

Dosage: 10 to 30 drops a day or case-ou cas par cas

Pregnancy and breastfeeding, thyroid problems, hypertension, anticoagulant medication. Be careful if you have a kidney problem because it could cause kidney irritation on a long term basis.

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